May ‘24 TBR

Hello! It’s time for my TBR again! It’s a little bit longer than I’d like but I’m feeling really positive about it. I still have a little bit of SPSFC reading to do but I’m excited to see what the other teams have liked. I do hope to read much more than this since I don’t have much proofreading to do this month, which intersects perfectly with the Fantasy Fellowship readathon! I’ll share the books I hope to read for that at the end, but here are the books that will be my priority this month!


As I said, here are the finalists I still need to read! I love seeing what makes it to the top of the list for the other judging teams and I’ve heard some fantastic things about these books! Good luck to the authors!


I have a lot of amazing ARCs waiting on me but I’ll be focusing on these two this month! Both sound super fun and have fantastic covers. I’m really excited.

Buddy Reads

I’m a liiiitle bit apprehensive about both of my buddy read books this month but I’m going into them with an open mind so we’ll see how they’ll go!

Female Indie Authors

I really want to read both of them and just couldn’t choose between them so we have two books for this feature this month. The Name Bearer by Natalia Hernandez is a book I’ve seen on TikTok that sounds really awesome and Inked by Rachel Rener is one I’ve had on my TBR ever since seeing that gorgeous Kickstarter for it. I’m still sad I didn’t get one of those copies.

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