Spotlight: The Shepherd and the Reaper by Breanna Bright

I should’ve had this one out for a pub day spotlight but life and ADHD had other plans. I’m excited to talk about it today though! The Shepherd and the Reaper is the second book in The Tales of the Shepherd, which is described as fantasy horror. I’m always hesitant with horror books but this sounds very intriguing and due to the series’ short books, I think I’m very likely to pick these up to give them a try!

About the Book

Title: The Shepherd and the Reaper

Series: The Tales of the Shepherd #2

Author: Breanna Bright

Pub Date: March 19, 2024

Length: 274 Pages

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Don’t go in the woods…

Desperate for respite from the horrors of their past, Ivas and Ruby seek refuge in the serene mountains away from the seaside, hoping to leave their troubles behind. After narrowly escaping the clutches of supernatural scavengers from the sea, Ivas and Ruby find sanctuary on a secluded mountain farm. But tranquility proves elusive as they soon discover that the monsters they sought to escape are lurking in the shadows of this new wilderness.

As Ruby, finally free from her cursed horns, begins to embrace her newfound sense of safety, a sinister presence emerges from the depths of the forest. A legendary monster, responsible for the countless disappearances haunting the woods, sets its sights on the unsuspecting duo.

With danger closing in from all sides, Ivas and Ruby must summon all their courage and ingenuity to survive the relentless pursuit of this ancient terror. As they unravel the mysteries of the mountain and confront their darkest fears, they realize that the true battle for their lives has only just begun.

Join Ivas and Ruby on another heart-pounding adventure fraught with peril and suspense in The Shepherd and the Reaper, the thrilling next installment in this spellbinding series of fantasy horror.

About the Author

Breanna Bright is the author of many paranormal books as well as short stories in various genres. She grew up in the backwoods of Missouri where she was inspired to write at a young age. Hollow trees, creek beds, and frog eggs were the sources of her early stories. Breanna holds a Master’s degree in English and has several publications in the independent market. When she’s not writing, she’s traveling and looking for new adventures to inspire her.

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