Cover Reveal: Domestication by Shannon Knight

Shannon Knight has a list of books that I really want to read. She’s also been featured on the blog before for an interview with one of her illustrators and a guest post for her book Insiders. Today I want to introduce her newest book, Domestication, and help reveal the really cool cover for it!


Author: Shannon Knight

Genre: horror/thriller

Release date: July 23, 2024

Intended Age Group: Adult

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Cover illustrator: Savanna Mayer


In an eat or be eaten world, domestication is a death sentence.

When Janie chose the isolated sheep farm, she knew her husband would hunt her down. What she didn’t expect was Rob and Howard. Rob rules the farm with the same domination tactics she uses to train dogs, while Howard believes only human supremacists think humans should be treated any differently than other animals. Janie inadvertently jumps out of the frying pan and into the fire. She wishes to leave her old self behind. She wants to transform. Will she devolve into meat, metamorphose into a monster, or transcend beyond her domesticated limitations?

About the Author

Shannon Knight wrote Domestication while living on an Icelandic sheep farm in the Pacific Northwest. There are no skulls on her roof, but there are a suspicious quantity of bones kicking around the farm. Shannon graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor’s in English. She is the author of Grave ColdInsiders, and Wish Givers

Find out more about Shannon Knight and her books here.

And now… the reason we’re really all here…

Doesn’t this look really cool while also being super creepy? Make sure to request an ARC or order for the preorder price of $2.99 for the ebook here!

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